Monday, May 24, 2010

Wishing, Hoping & Praying...

Words just can't describe the missing and longing for you... It just seems like yesterday that we were all still together. The family is no longer complete, occasions are no longer the same and even though I've been home, the home seems so quiet and empty. Mummy misses you so so much and I can't imagine how she will be once I've gone back.

There will be moments of reminisce every day. We think back about what we used to do together, we think back about the years of struggles you had, we think back of the places we enjoyed eating together, we think back of the places we went together, we think back of your actions, gestures, remarks, comments. There are days when I walk around the house and thought you'll be home from school soon. I long to hear the way you greet me, I miss our conversations. I Miss You, Carrie. Really miss you.

On Saturday, we met Daddy and Mummy for supper after their church session at Lighthouse. Daddy commented that he is truly seeing God's every blessings now. He had the week he spent with you before your last op was one of the best times ever. Because of my flight, you delayed your op by a week and he truly enjoyed spending that whole week with you. Everything that he mentioned made me wish I had also spent that whole week with you. I wished I had been there for you as you went for your op. I wish I had been around when you were recuperating. I wished I had come back while you were better and I could spend more time with you doing things together. Although I am glad for that 3 weeks, I wished for better days.

I look back at your pictures today and I realized that I missed out on so many things that was going on in your life. I'm sorry I wasn't a better sister. Whatever it is, I will remember my promise to you. I thank God for you. You will always be a part of me and Adrian. You will always be remembered in everything that I do. I will also always be happy as I know that is what you want me to be.

I love you, my silly image. Love you lots and forever...

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