Sunday, November 7, 2010

What IF...

I was watching the movie "Letters To Juliet" and there was this one scene that caught my heart.

It was the scene of Claire and Lorenzo's wedding after 50 years since they last met and Claire was reading out the reply letter answering to her own letter that was written 50 years ago. Sophie played by Amanda Seyfried wrote that reply and I felt it exceptionally close to my heart.

It read:

"What and If are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put together, side by side, and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life.

What if? WHAT if? WHAT IF??

I don't know how your story ended, but if what you felt then was true love, then it's never too late. If it was true then, why wouldn't it be true now? You need only the courage to follow your heart.

I don't know what a love like Juliet's feels like, a love to leave loved ones for, a love to cross oceans for, but I'd like to believe, if I ever were to feel it, that I'd have the courage to seize it."

I'm someone who follows my heart when it comes to love. The "what ifs" will just be going through my head continuously. And yes it does takes a lot of courage. You need it when you're following your heart, you need it when you're getting on with your life.

This particular scene brought my memories back to a past relationship and it was these two words "What If" that led me to make the decision I had made. To me, it was my love at first sight, it was my true love, it was a dream come true. And although that relationship didn't last till now, I have to admit that I did not regret any part of that decision. Surely it was a painful experience but if time was turned back, I believe I would still have made that same decision. It was also because of this painful experience that molded me to be the very person I am right now.

I also believe in second chances at finding true love because if I didn't, I wouldn't have been married to a wonderful hubby now. I guess destiny just have a way of dealing with things at its own pace. Things may not be a bed of roses with Dearie but I've been blessed in so many ways. He's my pillar of comfort and support and my soul mate. We may not have much common grounds or the magnetic pull towards each other but somehow we complement each other. I'm just thankful that I didn't have to wait 50 years to find that out.

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